‘Safe-friends’ can provide additional safety in addition to a seat belt in any vehicle

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Everyone is supposed to fasten a seat belt in the car. It protects the driver and passenger against injury. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s figures tell us that seat belt reduces the risk of death by 45%, and the risk of serious injury by 50%. On the other hand, people not wearing a seat belt are 30 times more likely to be ejected from a vehicle during a crash.

Much more than we thought, seat belts do save our lives in various ways. It spreads out force from the collision. By putting less stress on any one area, it can help us avoid serious physical injury. The lap-and-shoulder design protects critical parts of our body that are the brain and spinal cord. In addition, the seat belt helps the body to slow down in a crash because a quick speed change is one of the main causes of injury in accidents.

Car accidents happen every day at anywhere. As we know that seat belt really works, any types of vehicles better to have seat belt inside for both drivers and passengers. Surprisingly, the school buses carrying around twenty five million students daily in the U.S. are exposed to accidental injury because most of them has not even installed seat belt yet.

According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the large-sized bus is much safer than the other types of vehicles with six times a lower death rate. However, seat belt is still required and the expense to install seat belt per bus costs around 5,500-7,400 U.S dollars which means low cost performance. This is why many school buses in the U.S. cannot rashly make a decision to install seat belt.

In the U.S. it is estimated to have around four hundred forty thousand school buses with about one hundred thirty accidents annually involving deadly consequence. Nevertheless, only several states such as Texas and California impose obligation to wear seat belt on the bus. Unlike the private car, the seat belt rule in public transportation entails several issues. Not all passengers sometimes want to wear seat belt for, such as, feeling uncomfortable or tight. Time management is another one. Bus drivers or staff in charge may take some time to check one by one if all seat belts are fastened. This long preparation time may bring about heavy traffic jam.

Then, what is the best effective way to let all passengers wear seat belt in public vehicles with taking less time?

Inno-i Co.,Ltd., a company based in South Korea, suggests a total solution to this question. Inno-i developed and released a safety cap called ‘Safe-friends’ which is a special supplementary seat belt product. This cap is applicable to any normal seat belt. Safe-friends can Bluetooth-connect to mobile application and help with seat belt status monitoring. Driving log and location tracing function is another additional service that may facilitate accident report. This innovative cap, therefore, has full potential to protect passengers in case of accident.

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According to the 2017 annual report from Organization for European Economic Co-operation (OECD), the seat belt use in car reached almost 99% in both front and back seat in Germany, where has advanced driving culture. Inno-i’s Safe-friends will certainly encourage seat belt use so that people all around the world wear seat belt habitually just like Germans.

▲  Inno-i Co.,Ltd.
▲  Brand Name: Safe-friends
▲  CEO: Choong-Hee Park
▲  https://safe-friends.com
▲  E-mail: info@innoi.co.kr
▲  T: +82-70-8777-7487

Mike Choi / Erika Jeon
Asia Journal
(Los Angeles Times Advertising Supplement)


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