Summer is a particularly difficult season for diabetics. This is because they are vulnerable to heat-related diseases caused by the heat, and there are many things to be careful about when managing blood pressure and blood sugar


Excessive exercise in summer is rather harmful. Exercise is essential for diabetic patients to properly control their weight, but there are many things to be careful about in summer. First of all, it is recommended to exercise for 30 to 60 minutes in a place with air-conditioning facilities, avoiding the hottest hours. You should not exercise even when your blood sugar is high. This is because there is a high risk of thermal disease, and sweating and dehydration can occur. For diabetics, dehydration adversely affects their kidneys and heart function. When you are thirsty, it is better to drink cool water, tea, or sports drinks with low sugar (less than 5 to 10 percent) than soda or juice. When blood sugar rises from drinking beverages, the amount of urine increases as well, repeating the vicious cycle of thirst. Even if you don’t have an appetite, you have to eat regularly. When the weather gets hot, our body emits heat so that our body temperature does not rise too high, sweating and our appetite decreases. Dietary appetite and diet control are necessary for diabetics, but skipping meals can rather lead to hypoglycemia.


In particular, it is important to eat regularly at a fixed time for patients receiving medication. Watch out for spikes in blood sugar when eating seasonal fruits. Seasonal fruits such as watermelon, melon, peach, and grape are good for supplementing minerals and vitamins. However, if you eat too much or eat fruits with a high sugar index, you can call for a blood sugar spike. In particular, watermelons have the highest sugar index among fruits submitted in summer, so be careful. On the other hand, it is better to replace them with apples, pears, plums, etc., which have a relatively low sugar index, and eat various fruits one or two pages each in advance. “For blood sugar management, it is most important to prevent blood sugar spikes, which is a phenomenon in which blood sugar rises rapidly after meals,” said a professor of endocrine internal medicine. “Fruits with a low sugar index have a slow rise in blood sugar and last longer to feel full,” he advised.




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