Weples wasabilab
Ko Tae-hee, who had been planning a comprehensive program in various fields based on Korea’s TV home shopping experience, took on a new challenge. I heard from him about his experience in planning and developing Scalp Care Shampoo base on Wasabi. “I had experience in comprehensive planning while doing TV home shopping. TV home shopping in Korea is a distribution method that is unprecedented overseas, and it is a structure where manufacturers and developers act as vendors and generate explosive sales in a short period of time.
Through this, I was able to gain experience in comprehensively planning and developing products, which helped me greatly in developing this Wasabi Scalp Care Shampoo.” CEO Ko is a person who can comprehensively plan. He runs the company as a multi-player, which is managed by CEO Ko. Based on the experience of managing planning, distribution, promotion, finance, etc. while doing TV home shopping in Korea in the past, CEO Ko can directly participate in distribution marketing from branding product planning, product manufacturing product formulation, and development of the association. TV home shopping in Korea has such different distribution characteristics that it is difficult to find abroad. TV home shopping in Korea is a distributor, and manufacturing and development companies act as vendors. It is the only solution formed in a structure that can produce explosive sales in a short period of time. TV home shopping in Korea sells from $200,000 to $300,000 as much as $1 million per hour. From the price of the original subsidiary material to the complete customer CS, it is connected as one. CEO Ko said that after 17 years of planning TV home shopping products for a long period of time, he became a person who can plan comprehensive plans. Based on his TV home shopping experience, Koh put a lot of effort into developing a Scalp Care Shampoo that uses wasabi. “We wanted to make the most of wasabi extract. To that end, we wanted to collaborate with the institute to develop a product that contains the maximum amount of wasabi content. However, this was not easy. It was necessary to find the optimal amount of ingredients by exchanging samples with the institute several times. Finally, we were able to develop a product that contains 30 percent wasabi, and we put a lot of effort and time into it.” In particular, it is an important process to maintain stability by effectively mixing the ingredients of the product. To this end, the process of improving the absorption and ingredient mixing of cosmetics is called ‘formulating’. This is an essential step to ensure the stability and effectiveness of the product. In this process, the extract content that can maintain the most stable product is determined. This content is very important because products that are not stabilized can have problems during distribution. Accordingly, until the current product is completed, it has been manufactured through eight sampling with the lab. CEO Ko talked about why he chose wasabi as the material and his own review of using it. This is because I noticed that wasabi extract has anti-inflammatory and calming effects.
I wanted to try this product on my body where I had body inflammation and acne. So I tried shampoo every day for a week, and I was able to confirm that the inflammation disappeared and my skin condition improved as a result. Also, for people with seborrheic dooby and dandruff, they said this. “In the case of dandruff, it is the result of the skin being unhealthy or being quickly removed due to the skin inflammatory reaction. If you see this phenomenon in your head, it means that your scalp is already unhealthy. This exfoliation occurs in the process of combating external and internal bacteria, and through this process, the scalp forms and maintains a protective film.” Wasabi reported that it has a variety of effects that have a positive effect on skin health. In addition, Wasabi Lab has created an environment in which ingredients can be stably supplied. The reason why wasabi products were not diverse in cosmetics and various products is that they were extremely difficult to cultivate and distribute.
Wasabi is considered one of the most difficult crops in the world, and growing it requires certain environments and conditions. Wasabi is very difficult to cultivate because it needs gravel or rich soil in a shady place where there is a lot of clean water, and it is easy to rot with even a slight change in humidity. These difficulties made wasabi expensive and difficult to supply and demand. However, Wasabi Lab has established a stable supply chain by collaborating with Wasabi smart farm companies to overcome these difficulties. Through this, we have established a system that can control the growing environment of wasabi and produce it stably through appropriate management. Thanks to these efforts, we can now receive more stable supplies of wasabi and use it in products.
Through this, it is expected that more products using wasabi will be developed and provided to consumers. Wasabi inhibits the proliferation of food poisoning-causing bacteria such as E. coli, Salmonella, O-157 bacteria, Vibrio bacteria, and Staphylococcus aureus, and has the effect of sterilizing Helicobacter pylori, which causes gastritis and stomach cancer.
In addition, the peroxidase enzyme contained in wasabi promotes the process of detoxifying substances that are harmful to the body, and the spicy taste of wasabi provides an antibacterial effect. The sod component inhibits free radicals, preventing aging and providing skin care and natural antibacterial anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, wasabi contains more vitamin C than lemons and contains various nutrients such as protein, vitamin B group, potassium, calcium, folate, and iron. It is rich in nutritional ingredients including high content of vitamin C, so wasabi can be an effective option for protecting skin health.” Wasabi Lab’s Wasabi Scalp Shampoo is a product that can help with scalp health. As scientifically stated, Wasabi’s various effects can help keep the skin and scalp healthy and open up the possibility of coping with various skin problems. The finished product is expected to provide consumers with a perfect solution and take responsibility for their scalp health.
▲ Weples co., ltd
▲ wasabilab
▲Ko Tae Hee
▲ ceo@weples.co.kr
▲+82 10-2345-6889