Clean your house with small but powerful vacuum cleaner

Genes, family backgrounds, cultural backgrounds, personal experiences, and many other things all affect our lives. A person’s personality is based on a person’s lifestyle, upbringing, school, friends, work and environment. We think that it should work harder to understand how we can help households in such circumstances to do better.

CEO of AtG Inc., Ye-Ho Yeong

Personalized, miniaturized, and devices for home and other settings. AtG Inc.,(CEO:Ye-Ho Jeong) we not only clean your homes and businesses, we protect the environment in which you live as well. We must not only protect the space; we must avoid creating the environment in which those circumstances are fashioned. The dog━man’s best friend and the family pet of millions of households━is all too often bred in lousy conditions and transported long distances with us.

Too complicated, too grand, as to what is listed above. However, I would like to ask how much we all have thought about the environment, especially the environment of personal space, the environment of co-existence with pets, and the environment inside my car.

Of course, we can use or have various products to improve now, but if you want to be recommended a product that is more compact and wireless than the variety of products, and that actively considers design and environment, I would like to let you know about Korea’s AtG Inc.’s wireless small vacuum cleaner.

I think it is a product that satisfies whether it cares about noise considering pets, whether it is easy to clean up after cleaning, and whether it is produced with a different battery or product convenience from a common small wireless vacuum cleaner.

These days, when the external environment is particularly problematic with viruses, we should consider the internal environment as a suitable product. Q:in is a product that has been registered for various patents as well as won the I-Gen Contest Excellence Award.

Mike Choi

Asia Journal

▲ AtG Inc.

▲ CEO : Jeong Ye-Ho

▲ Brand : Q:in



▲ +82-55-232-0550


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