'Pray for us. They've arrived': How Syria descended into revenge bloodshed2025-03-16DAMASCUS (Reuters) – The cries for revenge reached fever pitch on March 6. Read full storySource : https://www.thestar.com.my/news/world/2025/03/16/039pray-for-us-they039ve-arrived039-how-syria-descended-into-revenge-bloodshedShareFacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsApp Previous articleNew DAP leadership calls for unity to chart party futureNext articleVolunteer firefighters injured in Penang factory fire Latest ArticlesPrioritising sleep for better health 2025-03-16 Sabah Law Society backs Bar Council stand on judicial independence 2025-03-16 China home prices fall at faster pace despite revival efforts 2025-03-16 Ismail Sabri arrives at MACC HQ for another round of questioning 2025-03-16 Insurance agent fears fake social media account could harm reputation and career 2025-03-16 Grateful to be alive, says Kedah man after surviving rod-piercing incident 2025-03-16