Telegram CEO “Deletion of criminal abuse function”

Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov, who was arrested in France last month for aiding and abetting illegal activities such as posting underage sex college, came up with improvement measures to clean up the platform by strengthening the content censorship system and abolishing some of the functions in question.

CEO Durov announced the plan on Monday (local time) on his Telegram channel, saying that he will change the censorship system of Telegram to receive compliments, not criticism. Measures to improve the plan included deleting the “People Nearby” function of Telegram and disabling the anonymous blog service “Telegraph.”

It has been pointed out that the function of those around them is highly likely to be abused as the location of users who use Telegram can be exposed to others. “The function was used by less than 0.1 percent of users, but it was abused by algorithm bots and scammers,” CEO Durov said. The Telegraph service was also disabled, saying it appears to have been misused by anonymous users.

CEO Durov was arrested by French police on charges of possession and distribution of sexual exploitation by minors, drug trafficking, and conspiracy to commit organized crimes on the 24th of last month. He was released on bail of 5 million euros, but is currently in a preliminary indictment and has to stay in France and appear at the police twice a week until the case is completed.




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