“There are no medical staff in the aftermath of the strike by Korean doctors,” 11 emergency rooms refused medical treatment…Two-year-old has been “Unconscious” for a month


It was belatedly known that a 2-year-old girl fell unconscious after being denied medical treatment by 11 emergency rooms in the southwestern part of the metropolitan area.

According to News 1 on the 3rd, at around 8:40 p.m. on the 3rd of last month, the mother of A(2) called 119 when her daughter showed symptoms of convulsions.

Paramedics arrived in about 10 minutes, but they could not leave for the hospital. This is because the emergency rooms of hospitals in the southwestern part of the Seoul metropolitan area, including Gyeonggi, Seoul and Incheon, said they could not accept patients. He was transferred to a university hospital closest to his home, but was reportedly rejected.

A total of 11 hospitals rejected medical treatment, and in the meantime, Ms. A’s situation worsened. The mother of Ms. A, who was in the ambulance, had no choice but to beg the hospital to accept her child’s situation as she watched the child’s situation deteriorate from moment to moment.

He was transferred to the hospital because he was able to receive emergency treatment at the 12th hospital, but it was already an hour after the 119 report. Although she started emergency treatment and stopped convulsions, A reportedly suffered brain damage and has been unconscious for a month.

The hospitals, which refused A’s emergency treatment at the time, reportedly refused to be transferred because they had “no medical staff to treat.”




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