Let’s find out why the body parts that people get injections are different


When you go to the hospital, there are things you don’t want to see. Getting an injection is a job. Sometimes the injection is placed on the forearm, sometimes the injection is placed on the buttocks. This is because the vaccination site varies depending on the patient’s condition and prescription. Injections are often difficult or quick to work. The types of injections can be divided into intradermal, intravenous, subcutaneous, and intramuscular injections, and the injected body parts also vary accordingly. The effects of intradermal and subcutaneous injections into the skin are slow, but the risk of side effects is low, because they allow the injected drug to enter the blood vessels and flow through thick blood vessels. Therefore, it is used to inject skin reactions, allergies, preventive vaccines, insulin, etc. In contrast, intravenous injections are a method of directly intravenous injection, and the absorption and effect of drugs are very fast. A vein is a blood vessel that sends blood to the heart, and the injection component tends to spread quickly throughout the body. However, it has the disadvantage that side effects can occur if the drug does not fit the body. It can be placed on areas such as the wrist or instep, and is used in emergency situations due to its fast-acting properties. The buttocks that we commonly know are called muscle injections. The hip is a well-developed part of the muscle that absorbs faster than intradermal and subcutaneous injections because it injects drugs directly into the capillaries that exist under the muscle. Compared to other areas, it feels less pain, is easier to inject, and is used in painkillers and vaccinations.


Each type of injection also has a different method of post-procedure. In the case of muscle injection, the drug should be rubbed so that it can be evenly spread and absorbed through the body, while in the case of vascular injection, bleeding, swelling, and bruising around blood vessels can occur, so you have to press it hard without rubbing it.




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